Making a Splash: Fast and Fascinating Water Facts [Infographic]

Swimming is a popular way to take on the water directly. Some, with enough training and skill, can take on the water at top speeds. Some animals are also faster than others in the water.

To learn more facts about water and swimming, check out the infographic below, presented by Backyard Ocean.

World's Fastest Swimmers Infographic by Backyard Ocean

Water: humans have been fascinated with this element for centuries. We drink it, we play in it, we can’t survive without it. From the 1500s when Magellan first sailed around the globe to the 2000s when we developed technology allowing us to swim at record-breaking speeds, we have constantly strived to overcome challenges this Mother Nature throws at us.

Backyard Ocean invites you to take a swim through time to see some of the seemingly impossible feats humans have achieved with water, and the speediest animals of all times.